4 July 2013

An Adorable Pug With A Charming Personality

Dogs have personality but this little pug—called Norm—seems to have a extra dose of it.

Seattle-based proud owner of said pug, Jeremy Veach, has been family to this adorable, expressive pug since it was 8 weeks old. Now at a grand age of one-and-a-half, the duo seem to have established an inseparable bond filled with understanding and an open take to expressing themselves in front of each other.

The most heartwarming pictures of Norm that was featured in Ludique Magazine, has to be the amusing pug 'selfies'. After seeing Norm in a photograph that appears he took of himself, we must admit that animals look better taking 'selfies' than we do…

According to Jeremy, Norm took to photographs like fish to water, as he "loves the pictures and gets really into it."

Moreover, just in case you're worried that Norm doesn't have a say in the photographs, you'll be happy to know that Jeremy is sensitive to what Norm doesn't like. He says he "can tell," if he's not too happy, and he would immediately "move on to a new idea."

These pictures are a must-see—enjoy:

[via Mymodernmet.com and Ludique Magazine, images via Jeremy Veach]