12 July 2013

Brands, Don’t Just Listen—Participate in Consumer Conversation

We’ve heard it a million times before, “Your customers are talking—are you listening?” It’s a great starting point for brands on social media, however, the question itself is rather incomplete.

Listen up, brands! Your customers are talking… are you a part of the conversation?

It’s true, your consumers are talking about your brand, but they’re also talking about a lot of other interesting things on the social web. Analyzing the conversation for positive and negative sentiment is an effortless way for brands to feel like they have an awareness of what consumers are saying, but it’s elementary. By not diving into and participating in these conversation brands are missing out on huge opportunities for building brand-consumer relationships and discovering key insights. Brands can transform their strategy from ‘fly on the wall’ to ‘social butterfly’ by looking for ways to participate and inspire participation.


Don’t just listen—respond! Consumers want to know they are being heard. No one likes to talk to an empty room. Responding to consumers whether it be an answer to their question or a share of a story they’ve told is the first step in being an active part of consumer conversations. Remember when we mentioned consumers are having conversations about the brand and other interesting topics? Well, it’s important to respond, when relative, to those other interesting topics too. All too often, brands get involved only when it’s all about them. Engaging in non-brand focused discussion help build a genuine relationship with consumers.


Consumers don’t need to be the only ones generating conversation, brands can do it too!

If there is an important business decision or development where a brand could benefit from consumer feedback they can ask their consumers. And, as mentioned previously, the discussions can veer from focused only on the brand and its products. Brands should use conversation as a tool to get consumers talking about values and other lifestyle factors related to the brand.

Make Connections

Brands have the opportunity to build a community around what their brand stands for in the consumer’s mind. Being an active part of conversations inspires these conversations and brings consumers together. Consumers interact because it makes them feel like they are a part of something. Enabling consumers to connect through brand-driven conversation gives them a sense of membership into the brand community.

In the height of the television age, brands could broadcast messages to a large consumer audience, but consumers now demand more. As we’ve moved into the age of social media, brands need to put in a little more effort.

Brands, don’t be a wallflower at your own party. You’ll be missing out.

Top image from Imgembed.

This is a cross-post from Napkin Labs blog.