27 July 2013

Endearing Photos Of A New Born Giant Panda Cub

[Click here to view the video in this article]

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) giant pandas are very much endangered, despite their "relative lack of natural predators," with approximately only 1,600 pandas left in the wild today.

As such, when pandas in captivity successfully give birth to 'baby' giant pandas, it is indeed a cause for celebration.

Yuan Yuan, a female giant panda in the Taipei Zoo, Taiwan, recently gave birth to a female panda cub on 6 July. It weighed just 183.4g and measured only a tiny 15.5cm in length.

Tuan Tuan—the name of the panda cub—has since doubled in weight to 368g since it was born (and is fast growing bigger). Nevertheless, those visiting the Taipei Zoo can only get a glimpse of the cub when it is about three months old.

If you're interested, you can watch Yuan Yuan giving birth, in the video below. Following that are endearing pictures of her little bundle of joy:

[via Taipei Zoo Facebook and Taipei Zoo]