5 November 2012

Artist Creates Confession Booths For Vegas ‘Sinners’

Las Vegas is known for its capacity for hedonism and the saying “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” has even been immortalised by a Hollywood romantic comedy.

To lift the intrigue off the secret lives in Vegas, artist Candy Chang has created a public art project—‘Confessions’—to allow people to anonymously share their confessions in the heart of the Las Vegas strip.

Inspired by “Post Secret, Shinto shrine prayer walls and Catholicism”, Chang set up confession booths where you could write down your secret confession before submitting it to be put up on the gallery walls.

A diverse collection of 1,500 confessions were displayed at the exhibition—including lovelorn ones like “I still love her two girlfriends and five years later” to guilt-stricken ones like “I sold heroin to my friend and it ruined his life”.

This poignant project not only provides an avenue for catharsis, through confession, but also satisfies modern society’s voyeuristic urges.

[via Candy Chang]