5 September 2014

Artist Carries Mattress As A Protest For Action Against Her Alleged Rapist

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Visual arts student Emma Sulkowicz will be performing an endurance art piece titled ‘Mattress Performance: Carry That Weight’, for her senior thesis at the Colombia University.

The piece doubles as a protest against the school's lack of imposed consequences on the man who has raped her in her dorm room—apparently, many American collages are notorious for pressuring victims into not making a report of such attacks to the police.

Sulkowicz pledges to carry the mattress everywhere she goes, until her alleged attacker moves off the campus or when the school expels him.

Through the performance, she hopes that people would see how this issue weighs a person down, both literally and figuratively, as she remains burdened with the daunting memories of the horrific experience.

Find out more about the performance in the video below.

[via Beautiful Decay]