16 September 2014

Homeless Man Gets By With His Charms By Picking Up Girls, Going Home With Them

[Click here to view the video in this article]

The Elite Daily video team spent over a week with a 26-year-old homeless man, by the name of Joe, who survives by picking up women in Manhattan every night.

He was made homeless when his mother kicked him out of their home, after finding a stash of drugs on him—now, he spends his day panhandling for money, and makes about US$150 a day.

By night, he makes use of every opportunity to go home with a lady, seeing it as his only chance of washing up and sleeping with a roof over his head—he tells Elite Daily that “his only responsibility is to not look homeless”.

Despite being able to rent an apartment if he saves the money he makes off the streets, Joe insists on carrying on this lifestyle of hooking up and spending everything he's got on booze and drugs.

Watch the video below as the Elite Daily video team chronicles his appalling lifestyle.

[via Elite Daily, images via video screenshots]