5 September 2014

Infographic: The Death Penalty In Various Religious Texts

Visual.ly has created a thought-provoking infographic that touches on two controversial topics: religion and capital punishment.

Titled ‘A Guide to the Wrath of God’, it points out crimes that are punishable by death in various religious texts. The religions featured include Christianity/Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Hinduism and Confucianism.

“The holy texts of most major religions are quite violent in nature,” wrote Visual.ly in a post. “And, while it may seem barbaric today, the death penalty was a common means of dealing with what could be perceived as even a minor offense.”

“It’s important to remember that these texts, written in antiquity, are, by their nature, open to interpretation. Your interpretation may not be the same as ours. Different interpretations exist, and may lead to harsher or milder punishments.”

Check out the infographic below to learn more.

Click to view enlarged version

Click to view enlarged version

[via Visual.ly]