8 September 2014

Woman Fakes Her Vacation, Sends Cleverly Photoshopped Photos To Loved Ones

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Dutch student Zilla van den Born has devised an elaborate prank as part of her University project.

She wanted to address the meaning of “reality” by proving that things shared on social media may not necessarily be accurate, and that people often fabricate an ideal world through filter and Photoshop.

As part of her prank, she managed to fool her family and friends into believing that she is on a five-week vacation to Southeast Asia, when she is actually at home the entire time.

Zilla Photoshops images of her in a swimming pool to look like she was snorkeling, and had even cleverly decorated her place to look like an exotic hotel room during her Skype sessions with her parents.

Scroll down to view the expressions of her loved ones when they found out the truth.