What happens when a person passes away, but his or her Facebook profile remains? Founder of Facebook app ‘Sanctri’, Jono Miller, had this experience.
Miller wanted to post on his deceased friend’s timeline, but felt strange, especially when the person’s mother posted a comment which garnered a few “likes”. “It was the most bizarre feeling,” he says.
Miller’s app lets users create a “Sanctri” page for a person, community, or group. The page’s admin can invite others to view the page or contribute. The ‘Sanctri’ link can be shared via Facebook, Twitter or email.
Each page has a ‘Lifebook’, which works like a digital scrapbook of images and text. Users who post on ‘Sanctri’ are prompted with five options: contribute a thought, share a memory, post a song, pledge to do something in honor of the person, or donate to charity.

[via Mashable and Sanctri]