Can books be as appealing as a Snickers bar?
In a bid to challenge this notion—and combine the worlds of publishing and vending machines—Philadelphia publishing company The Head And The Hand Press teamed up with vending machine company NaVar to create the ‘Chapbook Vending Machine’.
Instead of unhealthy snacks, the vending machine’s spiral dispensers would be filled with chapbook-size short stories from The Head And The Hand Press’ ‘Bigger Than A Breadbox Short Story Contest’.
Perfect for lovers of literature, the Chapbook Vending Machine hopes to adapt to the ever-changing world and represents a modern-yet-old school update to the way we purchase physical books, and lets you purchase an interesting read at US$2.
“These are two industries that need each other,” Nic Esposito, founder of The Head And The Hand Press and co-creator of the Chapbook Vending Machine, wrote. “Books need a creative and efficient way to get to readers, and vending machines need to start peddling goods that people won’t feel guilty about indulging in (that is until we start stocking romance stoires).”
What do you think—should books be sold from vending machines in the near future?
The Chapbook Vending Machine will be unveiled on 5 December at Elixr Coffee in Rittenhouse, Philadelphia.

[via The Head And The Hand]