5 September 2014

Afraid Of Rollercoasters? Now You Can Ride One With An Oculus Rift Put On

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Thomas Wagner, professor for virtual design at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, wondered if a synchronized virtual ride could substitute for the real environment.

Thus, he explored his idea with the help of German rollercoaster manufacturer Mack Rides, and the ‘Augmented Thrill Ride Project’ was born.

Named ‘VR Coaster’, individuals are to don an Oculus Rift headset while riding a rollercoaster. They can shoot asteroids or visualize a flying Pegasus as the real-life rollercoaster ride takes place.

Results have been promising.

Roping in over 50 people into the project and after more than a hundred test rides, the new synchronized ride was reported to have “no problems” even for individuals who are afraid of rollercoasters or have a tendency for motion sickness.

Discover more about the groundbreaking project here:

[via Fast Company, images via VR Coaster]