15 September 2014

Siri Vs. Starbucks: Who Spelled It Better?

You might have seen the funny viral video that tells us why Starbucks spell our names wrongly. However, it seems that the coffee chain has a competitor in the area of bad spelling.

Siri vs. Starbucks”, a Tumblr blog created by Swede Alexander Norling, wants to know who fares better in spelling: Apple's Siri, or a Starbucks employee.

Norling posted side-by-side comparisons of Siri’s failed attempts in understanding his voice commands, together with evidence of Starbucks’ name butchery.

Are you curious about who is the winner of this funny challenge? Scroll down to view more photos from Norling’s blog, and decide for yourself.

[via Siri vs. Starbucks]