7 September 2014

Wacky Japanese Shampoo Ad Calls Out Why You Should Wash Your Hair

[Click here to view the video in this article]

When it comes to weird and wacky, the Japanese are the masters of it. And that’s also what a new shampoo ad created by Japanese advertising agency, Dentsu, is.

For their client, Mesocare, they created an ad that features a couple of nano-sized humans hanging on to hair follicles for their life. In it, they shout to each other about their grievances and how they need to be helped.

Fast forward to the end, the victim who has all these nano humans hanging on his hair is frustrated, pulling his hair, and in dire need of a good shampoo to wash away life’s stresses.

It’s a simple approach, wacky to say the least, but it definitely works in getting the point across.

Watch it below:

[via Adweek]