26 May 2014

Telling Images Of Where The World's Unsold Cars End Up

All nice and shiny but with nowhere to go. These are all brand new with magnificent metal boxes, wasting space and all sitting still.

Author Vincent Lewis has done some thorough Internet research and discovered a lot of images, found through Google Maps, of where the world’s unsold cars go.

These images are very telling of how the booming automobile industry may just be covering up an inevitable bust.

In these pictures, you will see thousands upon thousands of unsold cars in places in the United Kingdom as well as U.S.A.

View them below:

Thousands of cars at Royal Portbury Docks, Avonmouth, near Bristol in the United Kingdom. If you look up this area on Google Maps, you will find nothing but unsold cars in every open space in that area.

A massive field of unsold cars at Sheerness, United Kingdom. Type “Sheerness, United Kingdom” in Google Maps and look to the west coast, below River Thames next to River Medway. Left of A249, Brielle Way.

A massive car park at Swindon, United Kingdom, with not a buyer in sight.

A few of the 57,000 cars (and growing) that await delivery from their home in the Port of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. With Google Maps, look South of Broening Hwy in Dundalk for the massive expanse of space where all these cars are parked.

A gigantic car park in Spain where cars just sit out in the sun.

Port of Valencia, Spain.

[via Zero Hedge]