27 April 2015

Apple’s New Ads Show How The Apple Watch Enhances Your Lifestyle

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Last week, the Apple Watch was launched and although the new device did not create as much brouhaha as previous Apple products, that did not stop these amusing creations from popping up on the web.

In line with the gadget’s debut, Apple unveiled three 60-second spots titled ‘Rise’, ‘Us’ and ‘Up’ early last Friday to promote it.

Using various scenarios from daily life, the videos focus on how the device adds value to users’ lives, from granting you a hassle-free morning, to conveniently connecting you with loved ones and helping you achieve a more effective workout.

Features showcased in the films include wireless control of lighting, instant updates on public transportation schedules, messaging, the ability to unlock doors and track your exercise progress, among others.

You can view the three commercials below and decide for yourself if the timepiece is worth the splurge.

[via Adweek, videos via Apple]