17 April 2015

Practical Tips For Design Students On How Much To Charge For Creative Work

If you are a design student who is just starting out in the industry, you may be unsure about how you should price your work.

Creative director Dan Mall, who runs design collective SuperFriendly, has written a useful article that dishes out practical tips on how much you should charge for a project.

Stating that you should start by imitating more experienced designers and “picking an hourly rate”, he then went on to suggest that rookie designers experiment with their rates, based on what they feel their time and effort is worth.

Read this article in full here—the tips in it are not only applicable to just designers, but could also come in handy for all kinds of freelance creatives.

You can also find more pieces of valuable advice on Dear Design Student, “an advice publication for designers” that is “answered by designers”.

[via Dear Design Student]