27 April 2015

What The Apple Watch Looks Like On The Inside

[Click here to view the video in this article]

With the launch of the Apple Watch last week, countless how-tos, videos and cheeky ads have emerged poking fun at it.

As the frenzy over the Apple Watch rages on, tech website iFixit has taken the much-hyped smartwatch apart to see exactly what its sleek exterior harbors.

The disassembling team found that it contained lots of minuscule parts not found in other Apple devices, including a Taptic Engine and tiny gold tri-wing screws.

Two versions of the Apple Watch were used: a stainless steel model and a sports version—interestingly, both appeared to be nearly identical.

Watch the video below to find out exactly what Apple’s latest gadget looks like on the inside.

[via Mashable, video via iFixit Video, images via iFixit]