Photographer Jody MacDonald takes breathtaking landscape photographs from around the world—with a difference.
MacDonald captures her stunning photographs by sailing 20,000 feet in the air with a paraglider.
She first experimented with combining her twin loves of paragliding and photography over ten years ago.
MacDonald believes that “the vantage point of shooting from an angle many people don't get to see is very interesting as a photographer”.
Although she feels that being at high altitudes offer the best way to capture images, the inherent danger involved in paragliding necessitates a delicate balancing act.
“Strong thermals, wind, rapidly changing weather, storms- the air can be super turbulent at times which makes it hard to stay still enough to capture any photos”.
“It's really important to know when to photograph and when the conditions are too difficult that it's no longer safe to photograph”.
MacDonald has spent the last eight years flying around the world, photographing places like the Himalayas, the Sierra Mountains and the sand dunes in Mozambique.
Take a look at some of her photos below:

[via Daily Mail]