Commissioned by UK dairy company Arla for Wing-Co, a new chocolate milk drink aimed at men, the aptly named ‘Man-Fur Coat’ is a coat made from over a million strands of male chest hair.
Arla believes that British men have been “manning down” over the years, typified by “clean-shaven chests” and “emasculating fashion”.
This new coat aims to make men proud of their manliness, instead of repressing it.
“The Man-Fur Coat [is] a wake-up call for the nation’s gents. A way to encourage them to readopt the values of assured ‘men’s men’ from yesteryear who would laugh nonchalantly in the face of adversity and be proud of their abundant manliness”.
Although the ‘Man-Fur Coat’ was created to advertise ‘Wing-Co’, chest hair lovers can purchase one for $3900.

[via Oddity Central and Metro]