4 May 2014

An App That Alerts You When Someone Around You Is Sick

A new smart app Sickweather notifies you whenever you come near someone who may sneeze on you.

Sickweather works by using social media content: Facebook statuses and tweets about runny noses create a real-time contagion map. It may sound unreliable, but it turns out, using social media to track illnesses in the vicinity is actually more accurate than one may think.

Through that contagion map, it alerts you whenever someone near you is suffering from a certain illness, allowing you to take necessary precaution or choose avoidance.

Sickweather also allows you to self-report your own illnesses, giving one the added social responsibility to not infect others around you.

An example of how Sickweather could be useful is through alerting allergy sufferers on which areas have high pollen counts on a given day.

[via QUARTZ]