In Naples, Italy, subway stations are much more than mere transit points on a vast network of similar, unremarkable nodes—in some cases, they are spectacular, art-filled spaces that would make even the most busy of commuters stop and linger.
According to Metronapoli, “The Art Stations originated from a project formulated by the city government with a view to making the urban area’s public transport centers more attractive and giving everyone a chance to get an up-close look at prime examples of contemporary art.”
Currently numbering 13 in all, these Art Stations are designed by internationally-recognized architects and have over 180 works of art by 90 of the world’s most renowned contemporary artists—in effect, they make up a decentralized museum.
Each station is the work of a different architect, which gives every one a distinct identity and aesthetic—in some cases, the architects are also responsible for the aboveground spaces near the stations’ entrances.
The peak-hour commute would certainly be a lot more enjoyable if all subway stations look like these.

[via Naples Metro]