20 December 2012

NASA’s New ‘Buzz Lightyear Spacesuit” Will Bring Astronauts ‘To Infinity

We are not sure if this is a case of real life mimicking fiction, but this definitely does not look like mere coincidence—NASA’s new spacesuit is a dead-ringer to Buzz Lightyear’s!

Featuring the same lime-green details as the one Buzz is wearing, this new spacesuit is a greatly improved version of the ones NASA is currently using.

With the ‘Z-1 Prototype Spacesuit and Portable Life Support System (PLSS) 2.0’, “astronauts will be able to climb into it as quickly as you see in films, and not take an hour as they do now. The new suit will also effectively be its own airlock, dispensing with the need to spend time getting the pressure right.”

Buzz Lightyear would be pleased to know that real, three-dimensional “space rangers” are wearing his spacesuit.

[via Geek Tyrant]