19 December 2012

Photographer Captures Silly Portraits Of People With Scotch Tape On Their Faces

New Mexico-based photographer Wes Naman has been working on a personal project called ‘Scotch Tape’, where he captures silly portraits of people whose faces have been distorted by strips of scotch tape.

To create these silly portraits, he bends the noses and lips of his subjects—‘freezing’ them in place with strips of tape before taking the pictures.

According to an interview with Wired, he received the inspiration to start this series when his assistant randomly applied a piece of tape on her nose and pulled it into an awkward position.

“I thought it would just be a fun side project but as it started to progress people really started to get into character and go over the top,” explained Naman.

If you would like to view more of his Scotch Tape series, please visit his website here.

By the way, don’t these images remind you of Tadao Cern’s ‘Blow Job’ portraits?

[via Wired , images via Wes Naman]