20 December 2012

The Anatomy Of A Horrible Web Design Client

As web designers, we’re pretty sure most of you have a phobia of your clients.

They can be overly demanding, make unreasonable requests, and sometimes they don’t make any sense.

In an infographic by Top Web Design Schools, it takes a look at the anatomy of a horrible web design client and the things that web designers are afraid of.

According to the infographic, it said that 100% of clients will use the following phrases: “Make it pop!”; “I love this, but can you give this section a bit more flair and pizazz?”; and “I love this! But my ‘business partner’ feels like the entire color palette needs to change. That’s easy though right?”.

It also said that 50% of web design clients will only know what they don’t want and that they don’t know what that is until it has been designed for them.

The infographic also highlights ways web designers can protect themselves from horrible clients.

Web designers, what do you think?

Click to view enlarged version

Click to view enlarged version

[via Top Web Design Schools]