14 December 2012

Will A Package Redesign Save The Beloved Twinkie?

As the fate of snack company Hostess hangs uncertain after the announcement of its bankruptcy last month, lovers of its delicious products—including the popular Twinkie and Cup Cakes—have gone on a buying frenzy for fear of never tasting them again after production stops.

In hope of saving these beloved snacks from extinction, San Francisco-based designer Cristina Castro has radically re-designed the packaging of the floundering brand and given it an exciting new look.

Featuring bright, bold graphics and mouth-watering copy presented in a cute, hand-written typeface, the re-design includes a new single-serving package for calorie-conscious individuals.

If Wal-Mart really does buy up Hostess and bring back its American classic snacks, we hope that it will consider implementing Castro’s beautiful new packaging.

[via Cristina Castro]