5 August 2012

A Shower That Doubles As A Washing Machine, To Help You Save Water

We use 150 liters of water for a 15-minute shower, and 38 liters of water for a pile of clothes—but what if we could combine the two to save water and make it less easier for ourselves?

Turkey-based industrial design student Ahment Burak Aktas has designed a concept product that combines a shower cabinet and a washing machine—so that its users can wash their clothes while showering at the same time.

Called ‘Washit’, the shower cabinet-washing machine takes the water users use to take a shower, to wash their clothes.

Before taking a shower, users can load dirty clothes into the washer and select the settings.

While taking a shower, the machine will collect the gray water from the shower cabinet—filter it through carbon, organic and chemical filters—and use it clean clothes.

[via Ahment Burak Aktas]