20 March 2014

Father Makes ‘Iron Man’ Suit For His Son As A Birthday Present

Chu Huang, a doctor from the Zhejiang province in China, has made an Iron Man suit for his son on his birthday.

As a doctor, Chu has a hectic schedule and rarely gets to spend time with his son, save for reading him a bedtime story at the end of the day. However, he knew that his child loved fictional characters and took time off to make this Iron Man suit.

As he had no experience, Chu went to online forums to ask for help with crafting the suit. He used EVA plastic sheets to make it and spray painted the pieces before joining them together while his son watched.

Chu also made modifications to the design—the most obvious change is the color of the suit, which is gold. The flag of China is printed on the chest while the yin yang symbol is located on the palms of the suit.

The boy took pictures of the suit and showed it to his classmates, and invited them over to see it.

It will take a while for the child to grow into the suit, and it looks like this labor of love has strengthened the bond between father and son.

[via Rocket News 24]