25 February 2014

Infographic: Brands We Love Vs. Brands We Hate

Branding expert David Brier recently created a couple of “short but powerful” Venn Diagrams for an article he wrote for Fast Company that neatly illustrate why consumers adore some brands while detesting others.

According to these diagrams, a good brand experience is made up of three elements—“Help”, “Expectation” and “Observation”—which in turn give rise to three other positive qualities, namely “Anticipation”, “Initiative” and “Insight”.

Naturally, the brands that we cannot stand would be found to be lacking in these characteristics—find out more about how to “crack the code” of creating a brand people love here.

Brier has also made a PDF version of the “Brands We Love” diagram and would gladly email you a copy if you are interested in displaying it in your office.

View both the diagrams below.

[via DBD International]