6 September 2012

Air Fresheners For Guys, For Studs And Macho-Men Only

Guys—why should your house; your castle; your stronghold—smell like a field of daisies when you can have it smelling like suave European leather of a sports car?

Archer Air Superiority is a brand of manly air fresheners that ensures your house will never smell of ‘femininity’ again.

They carry three manly aromas that include the smell of a hunting lodge, European sports car and distillery—appealing not only to your senses, but to your lady friends as well.

The hunting lodge will have the scent of hearth stone, gun powder and damp timber; distillery will smell of charred oak, sour mash and bourbon; while European sports car has tones of worn leather and aftershave.

A can of air freshener cost USD$14.00, or you can always purchase all three at $42.

[via Archer Air Superiority]