12 August 2013

A Video Game Where You Have To Literally Eat Healthy Fruits To Win

[Click here to view the video in this article]

RCA Design Interactions students Sures Kumar and Lana Z. Porter have created a “Guitar Hero”-style competitive eating video game in which players have to eat as many pieces of fruit as they can in a minute.

Instead of using images of healthy food to encourage better eating habits, “Pixelate” actually makes people eat food that is good for them by turning the act of eating into a fun game.

Consisting of a digital interface that is built into a custom dining table and special forks that are able to measure the resistance of food so as to differentiate them, this unusual video game requires players to consume the various fruits on their plate in the correct order in order to win.

After experimenting with many different kinds of fruits, strawberries, kiwis and figs made it to the final menu.

This is a great way to get both children and adults to incorporate the right amount of fruits into their diet—watch the video below to see the game in action.

[via Core77]