28 August 2013

Priceless: 96-Year-Old Widower Writes A Song For His Late Wife

[Click here to view the video in this article]

96-year-old Fred Stobaugh—whose wife had just passed on—saw an ad for a songwriting contest in the papers.

He then penned a song about his late wife Lorraine titled ‘Sweet Lorraine’ and submitted it to Green Shoe Studio with no expectation of a reply.

Despite it being an online video submission, Fred wrote a letter that ended off with “PS: I don’t sing. I would scare people. Haha.”

“Instead of a video, we got a very large manila envelope”, said Jacob of Green Shoe Studio, who was extremely touched by the passion that this man had for his wife.

The studio got in touch with Fred for an interview, and decided to professionally record and produce the song for him as tribute to him and his wife, and the 75 years of love they had shared.

“She was just the prettiest girl I ever saw. I fell in love with her just then,” Fred said in the interview.

Prepare tissues before you click the video below:

[via Green Shoe Studio]