26 April 2014

A Game That Restores You To A New Visual Environment Every Time You 'Die'

A group for advertising creatives, the Art Director’s Club, has created an online video game for their ‘Young Guns 12’ competition this year.

To feature the theme ‘Creativity Never Dies’, three members in the committee of Young Guns, Julia Neumann, Jordan Bruner, and Jamie Carreiro came up with the concept of the ‘Reanimation Game’.

In this game, characters never actually die but are restarted in a new visual setting every time it falls off the precarious blocks or jumps into a moving object.

These different styles were contributed by over 45 different artists. This ‘Reanimation Game’ also gets the word out to all advertising creatives to enter this year’s competition.

You can play the game via this link.

[via ADC Young Guns]