12 August 2013

Artist Creates Large Mesmerizing Kaleidoscope Installations

No matter what age you are, kaleidoscopes never fail to intrigue with its colorful changing patterns, that are simply created with colored glass, beads, paper and mirrors in a rotatable tube.

Channeling the mesmerizing essence of the much adored toy, Suzan Drummen creates floor installations with baubles of colorful mirrors, crystals, glass, precious stones and other knickknacks.

With each individual object carefully put into position by hand on-site, the Dutch artist’s mesmerizing three-dimensional pieces not only get you keen as mustard because they sparkle with light and alter the space they are placed in—but also because of the intricate details, patience and effort she puts into them.

The large psychedelic—not to mention, delicate—‘carpets’ are inviting enough to get people to go up close to observe them; at the same time, they give a sense of foreboding to get people to tread precariously around them, when at a close range, as they seem delicate enough to crack and be disarranged, if not careful.

View more of her delicate, mesmerizing installations below, or over at her website.

[via Suzan Drummen]