12 August 2013

Japanese Photographer Shows How To Pretend To Have A Girlfriend On Instagram

A young Japanese photographer from Tokyo, Keisuki Jinushi, has posted up a pictorial tutorial of how to take sweet and romantic couple shots for Instagram when one does not actually have a girlfriend.

Believing that a lover is not necessary to make people on Instagram think that you are in a loving relationship, he shows how men can transform their right hands into the soft, feminine hands of their fictional girlfriends with make-up and nail polish.

Most of the featured photographs show a feminine hand feeding Keisuki morsels of delicious food—there is also one of the bodiless hand squeezing his face affectionately.

Other than taking these pictures from strategic angles, the photographer also advises that one uses a retro-style filter for such “fake girlfriend” photos to create a more convincing effect.

What do you think about these doctored Instagram pictures—kind of funny or just downright creepy?

[via Oddity Central]