12 August 2013

You Can Now Turn The Water In Your Bath-Tub Into An Interactive Touchscreen

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Developers at the Koike Laboratory in Tokyo have managed to create an “immersive”, interactive touchscreen on the surface of water in a bath-tub.

Designed to provide digital entertainment during bath-time, where users do not have to worry about damaging their smart devices with water, the system that makes the “Aquatop” possible consists of a Kinect camera mounted over the tub, a projector, some waterproof speakers and a PC.

By dipping their fingers into the water, users turn their digits into cursors that can be used to play games, organise photographs and watch videos on this innovative touchscreen—a particularly impressive function is how the user can grab an item on the screen with his hand and delete it by pulling it down to the bottom of the tub.

The Aquatop is currently still a prototype and not available on the market—would you like to have it in your home or is your bath-time a sacred respite from the omnipresent technology of today?

Watch the video below to learn more about the Aquatop.

[via Dvice]