12 August 2013

Photographer Recreates Inkblot Tests With Different Types Of Food

Instead of ink, Madrid-based photographer Esther Lobo has recreated the Rorschach inkblot test—the same ones used in psychological examinations—with different types of food.

In the project ‘Rorschach Food’, she uses things such as yogurt, peanut butter and other kinds of liquid-like food to create various abstract images.

According to Lobo, she said, “The stains were made completely manually with my own hands and without post-processing tricks. I used soft plastic plates (foamy). Then I dropped foods such as mustard, squid ink or soya over the plates. After bending the plates I obtain the symmetric stains. Finally I have the source of the stain over the symmetrical image, and so documented the psychological portrait of each food stuff.”

What images do you see when you look at Lobo’s inkblot tests?

[via 500px]